About Blueprints

Mozilla.ai Blueprints are customizable workflows for building AI applications using open-source tools and models. They help developers, especially those new to AI or without advanced expertise, adopt open-source AI with confidence.

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Addressing Challenges in Open-Source AI Adoption

Adopting Open-Source AI

Last year, we asked ourselves “what prevents developers from adopting open-source AI when creating their applications?”. We embarked on months of interviews, surveys, and conversations 
to inform our thinking.

Our learnings


Developers often struggle with interoperability and finding trustworthy and up-to-date resources among a firehose of news, especially in the open-source space.

Blueprints aim to tackle these issues by integrating reliable, well-maintained open-source tools and models into workflows that are flexible and easy to customize.

With Blueprints you can focus more on building, not troubleshooting.

Practical, Customisable, and Community-Driven AI Solutions

Each Blueprint is designed to solve a distinct problem, offering developers a practical foundation for common AI use-cases. They are built with the following 5 principles in mind:


Contributions from the developer community are highly encouraged, helping Blueprints stay relevant and continuously improve. We also encourage developers to create their own Blueprints, which we will feature on the Blueprints Hub.


Blueprints are designed to provide you with a solid foundation that you can build on, adding additional components to meet your needs.

Customizable for use cases

Detailed guidance on GitHub walking you though installation to extensions.


All Blueprints are developed from the Blueprint Template, providing a starting point to create and share your own Blueprint. We believe that the consistency across Blueprints will also make them easier to understand, use, and adapt, helping developers adopt open-source AI solutions more easily.

Founded on Open-source

Each Blueprint is hosted on our GitHub repository as open-source and aims to leverage only open-source tools and models, ensuring accessibility and transparency.

Our selection criteria

When building Blueprints, we aim to prioritize selecting models and tools that are as open and transparent as possible

OSI’s definition of open-source AI

Blueprints are in accordance with the OSI’s definition of open-source AI and reflecting Mozilla.ai’s commitment to open-source principles.

However, when tools or models do not fully meet the OSI’s open-source AI standards, but offer significant advantages, such as better performance or usability, we may still consider them to ensure the best developer experience. Importantly, we will never suggest paid tools, ensuring Blueprints
remain fully accessible for developers to use and build upon.